Debate Rules:
Slander, profanity, degradation, personal attacks, and unfounded remarks (those made without stated, factual basis) will not be tolerated or allowed on the site. This also includes any links to other websites posted here. Offending posts will be removed at the discretion of the webmaster, and repeat offenders and troublemakers will be banned from the site.
Security and Privacy Guidelines:
When registering with IntenseDebate, the major means of communication on the site, please refrain from using ‘screen names’; instead, please use your first name and initial(s). Although we want to protect the privacy of all our members and commenters, total anonymity should be avoided.
For security and privacy reasons, please refrain from using identifying pictures of yourself in your avatar. If you choose to do so, REformation cannot and will not claim responsibility as to who can access your identification, as this is a public website.
We ask that you please do not give out your phone number, address, or personal email on the site, and exercise the same caution you would use on any social networking website. If you wish to contact someone directly, you will have opportunity to do so at public meetings.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Rules and Guidelines
REformation HQ